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Want to reach an audience of decision makers in the events and training marketplace? Then advertise with us!

Our marketing list consists of over 100,000 organizations and their associated staff, supporters, and volunteers totaling 178,720 that make their events & programs happen! Our audience is directly involved in influencing or making the purchasing decision for various goods & services needed for their events and training programs.

The team at develops content and strategies to produce events and training programs to engage their audiences. Our list subscribers receive a periodic newsletter as well as access the content on the web site. The content is all about tips, tricks, anecdotes as well as the latest relevant information on topics for event & meeting planners as well as training managers to produce memorable programs.

The demographics of our list:

Counts of example Organizations:

  • Corporations (Inc., Ltd): 25403
  • Faith Based (Churches, Ministries, Dioceses etc.) : 32136
  • Member Based Organizations (Associations, Clubs) : 11383
  • Education Institutions (Universities, Institutes, Academies) : 4586
  • K-12 Schools : 28509

Example counts of specific titles:

  • Event & Meeting planners: 78617
  • Training managers: 12470
  • CEO/Owners/Founders: 3120
  • Presidents: 18257
  • Vice Presidents: 13079
  • Directors: 36814
  • Marketing managers: 27728
  • Sales& Account managers: 23456

For newsletter and web site advertising as well as content sponsorship opportunities contact directly at

For email and snail mail list rental contact Marie Briganti, Director of Data & Media Services at MeritDirect via email or phone 914-368-1023.

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